International Fire Service Research Center and Policy Institute

 International Fire Service Research Center and Policy Institute

About the Institute

The International Fire Service Research Center and Policy Institute (referred to as the Institute) was founded in 2007 to support the development of public policy decisions affecting the leadership, management and operations of the fire and emergency service.

The Institute is uniquely positioned to leverage partnerships and collaborate with national associations to meet the following objectives:

  • Encourage, produce and disseminate objective research and educational information related to the fire service for the purpose of strengthening the value of the fire service to the public and the community.
  • Facilitate the provision of more effective and efficient services to the public and the community, making such research and information available to the general public and other interested parties on a non-discriminatory basis.
  • Educate the fire service on techniques for strengthening capacity and competency, and instruct the public and the community on the benefits associated with an adequately informed, staffed, and equipped fire service.

Institute Contact

Christine Booth

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